Our Approach

Using our proven approach, Origin Health and Social Care Solutions are able to provide fully managed project based solutions to Adult and Children Service Directorates and essential health and social care professionals, to alleviate challenges around capacity and assist our partner’s to clear their backlog of assessments.
We take full responsibility of projects, from selecting the team, through to implementation and management. This minimises risk for our clients, whilst achieving a high-quality service, with faster results and reduced costs.
Origin's pay per assessment model means that we are able to measure the quantity of our partner’s requirements and agree the volume of assessments to be completed. We will then agree a fixed unit price, timescales for completion and identify any cost savings.
Our Process

Consultation & Planning
We will meet with you to discuss your requirements and develop a tailored project based solution.

We will select your team of project workers, conclude the contracts and work with you to understand your processes and systems.

Project Delivery
Your dedicated professional social care team will be deployed to the project to commence work, which will be overseen by the allocated Project and Quality Assurance managers. We will also arrange regular meetings to provide you with progress reports throughout the duration of the project.

Review & Completion
As the project enters the final phase, we will schedule a meeting to discuss the project outcomes and any themes and trends identified.
Our project-based solutions includes:
Based in various locations around the UK...
Clearing assessment backlogs
Supporting teams for short periods during peak demand
Providing qualified social care professional teams
Assigning Project managers to each project and client
Internal quality assurance oversight from our highly-experienced management team
Working collaboratively with your existing service
Scalable resource throughout the project, flexible to the demands of the service
Weekly feedback meetings with our project team to ensure fluid communication channels.
Fixed pricing per assessment models
Adult Services
Our dedicated Adults Social Care team have experience in successfully completing numerous high volume assessment and review projects.

The forecast of the changes to legislation in addition to the demands and pressures on services, have led to increasing waiting lists and delays in the completions of Care Act 2014 assessments and reviews, Mental Capacity Act 2005 assessments, Occupational therapy functional assessments, Deprivation of Liberty safeguards (DoLS) standard and urgent authorisations and Continuing Healthcare assessments across the NHS and Local authorities throughout the UK.
Our team have extensive knowledge & experience
Our Social workers, Occupational therapists and Best Interest Assessors have extensive knowledge of working with relevant legislation, significant experience of completing statutory assessments and are all registered with Social Work England and The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). Our experienced assessors have a track record of completing Strength-based assessments, promoting independence and demonstrating Care Act 2014 and Mental Capacity Act 2005 compliance.
Our assessors are also able to undertake both face to face and telephone assessments, depending on the requirements of our clients. We are able to provide fully wrap-around services to undertake high volumes of:
Care Act 2014 Assessments and Reviews in the community and in placement settings
Carers Assessments
Mental Capacity Act 2005 Assessments
Community DoLS Assessments
Best Interest Assessments
Continuing Health Care Checklist and DST Assessments
Occupational Therapy Functional Assessments
Hospital Discharge and Discharge to Assessments
Children Services
Social worker shortages in Children's services are making an already challenging job unsustainable for some practitioners, Ofsted has warned in its annual report for 2021-22.

The inspectorate said problems recruiting and retaining staff were arguably the biggest challenges facing children’s social care and one that had got worse since the pandemic. (Community Care December 2022). At Origin Health and Social Care Solutions, our Social Work practitioners, have extensive experience of providing assessments to Local authorities, courts and independent organisations to support the delivery of multi-disciplinary services to children and their families across the UK. It is our firm belief that getting the assessment right from the outset has a lasting impact upon the child and family’s lives.
A proven track record to strengthen your workforce
All of our assessments provide a clear analysis and are focused upon the needs and views of the child and their families. Our assessors focus on positive outcomes and complete work to timescales. We give our clients access to experienced Social Work practitioners who have a proven track record to strengthen your workforce.
Our expert Social Workers undertake a wide range of assessments including:
Multi-agency assessments (Initial Assessments)
Parenting assessments
PAMs assessments
Viability Assessments
Connected Person's assessment
Form F Assessments